2020 Integrated System Plan (ISP)

Page contents

Current Status

The 2020 ISP was released on 30 July 2020. The Final 2022 ISP and all related materials are available below.

Information about the development of the 2022 ISP is available here.

On 10 December 2021, AEMO published an update to the 2020 ISP, available below.

Update on impact of policy announcements on Project EnergyConnect's benefits provided to the AER.

Update to the 2020 ISP

Following completion of the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T), a Transmission Network Service Provider (TNSP) may seek written confirmation from AEMO that the preferred option from the RIT-T remains aligned with the optimal development path in the most recent ISP.  This process is referred to as the feedback loop.

In accordance with the National Electricity Rules, AEMO identified that an ISP update was necessary to allow material changes identified in the 2021 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenario Report (IASR) to be considered by AEMO when assessing actionable ISP projects in the feedback loop.

2020 ISP

The 2020 ISP provides an actionable roadmap for eastern Australia’s power system. The ISP draws on extensive stakeholder engagement and internal and external industry and power system expertise to develop a blueprint that maximises consumer benefits through a transition period of great complexity and uncertainty.  

The ISP is a whole-of-system plan that efficiently achieves power system needs through that transformational period, in the long-term interests of the consumers of electricity. It serves the regulatory purpose of identifying actionable and future ISP projects, as well as the broader purposes of informing market participants, investors, policy decision makers and consumers. 

The ISP was released on 30 July 2020 and can be downloaded using the links below.

2020 ISP webinar

AEMO held a webinar to provide an overview on the 2020 ISP on 24 August 2020.

The Questions and Answers table is published below. The table contains AEMO's responses to all the questions asked on the day. Please note, this includes questions answered during the webinar and those that were not answered due to time limitations. The table also includes responses to questions that were emailed after the webinar. 

Stakeholder Consultation

For the 2020 ISP, AEMO has consulted extensively with industry, academia, government, developers and consumer representatives. After two rounds of consultation, one before and one after the publication of the Draft 2020 ISP in December 2019, improvements have been made to the 2018 ISP. 

Consultation on non-network options

Central-West Orana REZ Transmission Link Non-Network Consultation  

Following publication of the 2020 ISP, AEMO consulted on non-network options for the Central-West Orana REZ Transmission Link. AEMO received several confidential submissions to address the identified need.

The final report was published on 14 May 2021. This report concluded that all the submitted non-network options are reasonably likely to assist with meeting the identified need.

2020 ISP timeline and opportunities for engagement

AEMO welcomes stakeholder participation and collaboration in the ISP process, and encourages attendance at the webinars and workshops. To register for invitations to upcoming ISP events, please email isp@aemo.com.au with your details including full name, organisation and email address. 

The 2020 ISP included a comprehensive stakeholder engagement program which involved over 200 stakeholders and multiple workshops, webinars and consultations.

The ISP engagement timeline following the consultation on scenarios, inputs and assumptions is summarised below:

 Event  Date  Status  Related content

Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) briefing

13 August 2019


2019 ISP webinar: Renewable Energy Zones briefing

REZ webinar slides

Preliminary modelling outcomes workshop

10 October 2019


ISP Preliminary outcomes presentation - 10 Oct 2019 (5.63 MB, pdf)

ISP workshop synopsis - 10 Oct 2019 (626 KB, pdf)

Publish Draft ISP

12 December 2019


2020 Draft ISP (3.75 MB)

2020 Draft ISP appendices (14.7 MB)

Consultation workshops on Draft ISP

Brisbane  3 February 2020

Sydney  4 February 2020

Melbourne 5 February 2020


Draft 2020 ISP workshops slides 3-5 Feb 2020

Q&A Stations

Please note that due to the large graphics in these files, they are best viewed by downloading and opening in Adobe reader.

Draft 2020 ISP February 2020 workshops summary

Draft 2020 ISP Webinar


11 February 2020


Draft 2020 ISP webinar slides 11 Feb 2020

Draft 2020 ISP webinar summary  Feb 2020

Formal consultation on Draft ISP

12 December 2019 to 21 February 2020


Draft 2020 ISP consultation  web page

Formal consultation on Draft ISP QNI Medium and VNI West non-network options

12 December 2019 to 13 March 2020


Consultation  on non-network options

Publish 2020 ISP

Mid 2020



2020 ISP Webinar

24 Aug 2020


 Webinar presentation pack

2020 ISP Model

Scenarios, inputs, assumptions and methodologies for the 2020 ISP

2020 ISP Database

Specific assumptions, methods and supporting materials are added to the ISP Database:

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