Deregister from the NEM

This page outlines the requirements for deregistering from the National Electricity Market (NEM).

A Registered Participant in the NEM may deregister from any category of Registered Participant or terminate any of its classifications. Clause 2.10 of the National Electricity Rules (NER) outlines the requirements for ceasing to be a Registered Participant in the NEM.

Deregistration does not affect any prior obligation or liability of the organisation under the relevant market rules.

Ceasing to be registered letter

Existing participants seeking to deregister may notify AEMO in writing to cease registration or any of its classifications.

The ceasing to be registered letter should be on a formal letterhead and be signed by a duly authorised company officer. Generally, this officer would hold an executive management position such as Chief Executive Officer or Company Secretary.

The letter should include:

  • The participant’s full name and ABN.
  • Relevant NEM participant ID(s).
  • The participant category from which the participant wishes to deregister.
  • The classification which the participant wishes to terminate.
  • The business reason(s) why the participant considers it is, or will be, no longer required to be registered in the relevant categories and/or classification under the NER.
  • A date when the Registered Participant wishes to be deregistered or an existing classification terminated, and in the case of a Market Participant the date it will cease to supply or acquire electricity or trade directly in the market or in relation to a connection point(s).

Note: Demand Response Service Providers who are wanting to terminate classification of all, or some, of their load as Wholesale Demand Response Units or plant as Ancillary Service Units must use the Portfolio Management System to do this. 

Settlements revisions liability deed

To deregister from the NEM, you may also need to complete the NEM Settlements Revisions Liability Deed. This deed is used when one entity wishes to take liability for the settlement revisions of another, for example in the event of an acquisition.

The deregistration process

  1. Complete and submit

    Complete the ceasing to be registered letter and the settlements revision liability deed if required, as outlined above, and email a copy to

  2. AEMO review

    AEMO reviews the ceasing to be registered letter. Depending on circumstances, AEMO may require additional information to verify the reasons for deregistration and to confirm that any ongoing liability in the market will be met.

  3. AEMO notification

    AEMO approves the deregistration and notifies the applicant accordingly. AEMO also notifies the AER, AEMC and all Registered Participants of AEMO’s decision.

  4. Ceasing participation

    Upon deregistration as a Market Participant, the status of the organisation is changed in the various system registers maintained by AEMO. Approximately six to nine months after the date of deregistration as a Market Participant, when all revisions have been settled the Applicant ceases to be a Registered Participant:

    • data sharing to and from the deregistered participant ID is removed,
    • access to AEMO's market systems by the deregistered participant ID is revoked, and
    • subsequently produced statements and reports are disabled.


To re-register, the organisation must complete the registration process.

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