Exemption from registering as a Generator in the NEM

This page outlines the requirements of applying for an exemption from registering as a Generator or an Integrated Resource Provider in the National Electricity Market (NEM).

Clause 2.1A.1 of the Rules sets out the obligations, respectively, to register for:

  • a non-exempt generating system as a Generator or an Integrated Resource Provider; and
  • a non-exempt integrated resource system as an Integrated Resource Provider.

Clause 2.1A.2 of the Rules provides for AEMO to grant an exemption to a person or class of persons from these registration obligations, in accordance with the registration information resource and guidelines. Such exemptions may be subject to conditions and must be consistent with the National Electricity Objective.

Accordingly, AEMO’s Guide to Registration Exemptions and Production Unit Classifications allow for such exemptions, including where:

  • the system has a nameplate rating of less than 5MW
  • the system has specified characteristics (nature, size, type and operation)
  • a person proposes an eligible person (an intermediary) to be registered on the person’s behalf.

If any organisation owns, controls or operates a generating system or integrated resource system, each organisation must be registered separately for the activities it carries out, or seek an exemption. Noting only one organisation can apply to be the registered Generator or Integrated Resource Provider for a generating system or integrated resource system.

Exemption from registration as a Generator or Integrated Resource Provider in the NEM application process

The following provides an overview of the process for applying for an exemption from the requirement to register as a Generator in the NEM.

01 Complete and submit

Complete the application then email a signed copy along with all required attachments, to: onboarding@aemo.com.au. Once submitted to AEMO you will receive an acknowledgement of your application and the AEMO assessment process will commence.

Please note:

  • AEMO is unable to review draft applications prior to formal submission.
  • AEMO is unable to access file share drives to download applications or supporting documentation. All files in relation to an application should be submitted to AEMO as attachments to email.

Exemption applications that are submitted to AEMO via means other than onboarding@aemo.com.au will not initiate the assessment process.

Note: A generating system or integrated resource system that meets the standing exemption criteria detailed in section 3.2 of the Guide does not need to apply for exemption.

Prior to submitting your application, please ensure that the following information required in the application form is accurate and complete. Without this information AEMO is unable to initiate the application assessment process.

  • Application form signed by an authorised officer of the applicant entity
  • A Letter of Authority must be provided by the applicant entity where a third party is submitting the application on behalf of the applicant
    ABN is provided and accurate
  • Company name is provided and accurate – If applying as a trust – please ensure the full trust trustee relationship name is provided
  • Exemption category is selected

02 Pay fees

On receipt of your application, AEMO will send an invoice for the payment of your registration fees by electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Application fees are non-refundable, regardless of outcome due to the overheads to assess and manage your application.

03 AEMO Review

AEMO will review the application and may request additional information or clarification of the information contained in your application.

AEMO will endeavour to provide details of all outstanding information required to progress your application for decision as part of this request.

If the further information or clarification required is not provided to AEMO's satisfaction within 15 business days of the request, AEMO may, on notice to the applicant at any time after expiry of that period, elect to treat the application as withdrawn and the applicant will be taken to have withdrawn the application.

04 AEMO assessment and decision

Once AEMO receives a complete exemption application, AEMO will determine if the application is to be approved. AEMO will notify you of our determination and, if AEMO rejects your application, the reasons why. Your application will only be deemed as complete once all information required in the application form and guide has been provided to AEMO, along with any clarifications requested by AEMO as a result of the AEMO review or as a result of subsequent submissions.

Please note – if your exemption application is linked to a Generator or Integrated Resource Provider registration application it will proceed for decision at the same time as the generator or integrated resource provider application.

Types of exemptions

Exemptions from the requirement to register as a Generator or Integrated Resource Provider may be granted by AEMO based either on the system characteristics of the generating system or integrated resource system; the registration of an intermediary as the Generator or Integrated Resource Provider; or as a temporary notifiable exemption.

Exemptions based on generating system or integrated resource system characteristics

Exemptions from the requirement to register as a Generator or Integrated Resource Provider may be granted based either on the characteristics of the generating system or integrated resource system by its nature, size, type and operation.

Clause 2.9.3 of the NER enables a person that would ordinarily be required to register as a Generator or an Integrated Resource Provider to apply for an exemption if an intermediary is to be registered instead.

For the purposes of the NER, the approved intermediary is treated as the registered participant. Intermediaries must comply with all requirements associated with the functions for which they are appointed.

If multiple organisations own, control, or operate different production units within a generating system or an integrated resource system, each organisation must be registered separately for the activities it carries out, or seek an exemption. Only one organisation can apply to be the registered participant for a generating system or an integrated resource system.

Revoking an intermediary appointment

An applicant may revoke the appointment of an intermediary by giving notice to AEMO in the form of a formal letter signed by a person of authority. The applicant must be the facility owner, operator, and/or controller.

AEMO will advise the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) that the notice has been given. At 4.30am, two business days after AEMO approves the notice of revocation, the intermediary will cease to be considered the applicant’s intermediary for the purposes of the NER. Note that AEMO has no ability to delay or reverse this once a notice has been given.

The intermediary, being the registered participant in respect to the facility, will be removed from AEMO systems. This also means the facility will no longer be able to participate in the National Electricity Market until another person is registered as a participant for that facility.

If the applicant revoking the appointment of an intermediary was previously granted an exemption from registration, that exemption ceases at the time of the intermediary’s revocation. If required, the applicant should apply for registration.

Temporary notifiable exemptions

This is a temporary exemption category. It may be available to persons who own, operate, or control a generating system or an integrated resource system for which they are required, and have applied, to register as a Generator or Integrated Resource Provider, but wish to perform pre-commissioning work before their registration is complete. A notifiable exemption does not permit hold-point testing.

Exemption documents

These are the documents needed for registration exemption. Further information is outlined in Guide to registration exemptions and production unit classifications.

Note: If an intermediary is being appointed, each exemption application should be submitted at the same time as the intermediary’s registration application.

Supporting documents

These documents and information need to be supplied either with your application form, or beforehand, as they support your application for registration.

Trustee deed

Where the Applicant is acting in a trustee capacity, they must complete and return the following Trustee Deed form. No changes can be made to the Trustee Deed other than the completion of details where highlighted.

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