Register as a Market Stand-Alone Power System Resource Provider (MSRP)

This page outlines the key requirements to register as a Market Stand-Alone Power System Resource Provider (MSRP) in the National Electricity Market (NEM).

An MSRP can supply electricity from one or more generating units as part of a regulated Stand-Alone Power System (SAPS).

A person must not engage in the activity of selling electricity directly to the market at any connection point in a regulated SAPS unless that person is registered by AEMO as an MSRP, and that connection point is classified as a SAPS connection point.

Registration Fact Sheets and Guides

Further information may be found on the Registration Fact Sheets and Guides page of the website, including:

Registration documents

These are the documents needed for registration.

Supporting documents

Any document shown in this section is required in support of your application or to assist.

Credit support

Participants may need to provide credit support to AEMO. All Financial guarantees must be in the prescribed format. AEMO advises applicants to contact to discuss requirements prior to completing the AEMO Guarantee Pro Forma. You must submit an original signed AEMO Guarantee Pro Forma with your registration application. 

The Credit support management guide contains information on AEMO's credit support processes and participant obligations.

Trustee deed

Where the Applicant is acting in a trustee capacity, they must complete and return the following Trustee Deed form. No changes can be made to the Trustee Deed other than the completion of details where highlighted.

When completing the form, a number of fields will update automatically when printed. To update the fields without printing, please press <Ctrl> + ‘P’ to simulate printing, then press <Esc> to return to the document without printing.

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