Congestion information resource
The Congestion Information Resource (CIR) provides a consolidated source of information relevant to the understanding and management of transmission network congestion (constraint) risk. This page includes information on where to find constraint data, policies, procedures, guidelines, CIR consultations and education material.
Updates are provided to the Guide to the Congestion Information Resource via rules consultation with National Electricity Market (NEM) registered participants and interested parties.
CIR consultations
Policies and procedures
Constraint Naming Guidelines
This document details how AEMO labels the constraint equations, constraint sets and constraint functions. Each constraint equation has a unique identifier.
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Constraints Formulation Guidelines
The Constraint Formulation Guidelines (CFG) sets out the principles for translating (or formulating) the physical restrictions in the power system into constraint equations. It also covers the life cycle of constraint equations from business requirement identification through to notification of application in the operation of the NEM, and the process for applying and removing constraint equations from the dispatch process.
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Constraints Implementation Guidelines
The Constraint Implementation Guidelines contains a series of worked examples on how AEMO constructs constraint equations in accordance with the constraint formulation guidelines. The worked examples are based on real power system limitations and detail how constraint equations are implemented from the limit advice provided to AEMO.
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Schedule of Constraint Violation Penalty factors
The Schedule of Constraint Violation Penalty (CVP) Factors provides a schedule of constraint types and the associated CVP factors that are used in AEMO’s Constraint Relaxation Procedure. It includes the various rules to establish the relative priority order of new and current CVP factors for resolving dispatch conflicts between the different constraint types in NEMDE
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Confidence levels, Offsets and Operating Margins
This document describes the responsibilities, usage and process for applying statistical and operating margins used in constraint equations. It also includes background on limit equation development.
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Over-Constrained Dispatch Rerun Process
This document describes the process AEMO uses to rerun NEMDE for over-constrained dispatch. Here the right-hand side (RHS) values of the violating constraints are relaxed and another NEMDE run is performed with the relaxed constraints. The objective of the rerun is to remove the constraint violation cost component from the pricing outcome in either the energy or FCAS markets.
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Limits Advice Guidelines
The Limits Advice Guidelines provides market participants with information on what AEMO requires when provided with Limit Advice in order for AEMO to convert these into constraint equations.
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Power System Stability Guidelines
These Power System Stability Guidelines detail the policies governing power system stability so as to facilitate the operation of the power system within stable limits, as required by clause 4.3.4(i) of the National Electricity Rules.
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Education Material
AEMO runs a two-day workshop that offers participants a better understanding of how and why Network and FCAS Constraints are used to manage the power system and the effect they may have on the market.
Please view AEMO's education program for Network and FCAS Constraints in the NEM for more information.