Outages and commissioning
Wholesale Electricity Market Rules (WEM Rules) commenced on Sunday, 1 October 2023. The new Rules can be accessed below:
Equipment List
In accordance with clause 3.18A of the Wholesale Electricity Market Rules (WEM Rules), AEMO must maintain and publish a list of all equipment (Equipment List) in the South West Interconnected system (SWIS) that it determines is be subject to outage scheduling.
Planned Outages
Under Chapter 3.18 of the WEM Rules, AEMO must assess outage requests for Facilities or items of equipment that are on the Equipment List and following this assessment, approve or reject those outages accordingly.
To lodge these outage requests, Participants must use Outage Management System (OMS), which can be accessed via WEMS MPI Portal. The user guide for the OMS can be accessed here. For queries regarding the OMS, please contact WA Operational Planning on 1300 989 797, option 2.
To coordinate switching of the Western Power Network, information on access to the Western Power Network is available from Western Power’s website.
AEMO is required to publish details of real-time and historical generator outages. These details can be accessed here.
For further information, refer to the WEM Procedure: Outages (under Dispatch and Planning Procedures)
Forced Outages
Under section 3.21 of the WEM Rules, Participants must lodge Forced Outage information with AEMO as soon as practicable but no later than the end of the next Business Day following the Business Day on which the Forced Outage commenced. When advising AEMO of any Forced Outage of a Registered Facility on the Equipment List:
- Contact AEMO’s Control Room via the direct number indicated in the Operating Protocol; and
- Provide full details via OMS.
For further information, refer to the WEM Procedure: Outages (under Dispatch and Planning Procedures)
Data Communication Facilities (DCFs)
Planned activities
Market Participants and Network Operators are required to notify AEMO of planned activities on communications and SCADA equipment in accordance with paragraph 6.4.2 of the WEM Procedure: Communications And Control Systems (under Dispatch and Planning Procedures).
If the communications and SCADA equipment is listed on the Equipment List or is a Self-scheduling Outage Facility, the Network Operator or Market Participant must advise AEMO via an Outage Plan or where otherwise agreed by AEMO in an Operating Protocol.
As per Appendix B, paragraph B.3.3.1 of the WEM Procedure: Communications And Control Systems, in response to a failure of a High-Resolution Time Synchronised Data Recorder, a Network Operator or Market Participant must respond to the failure and rectify as soon as practicable which must be no more than 10 Business Days after the Network Operator or Market Participant becomes aware of the failure, unless another timeframe is agreed between the Rule Participant and AEMO.
If the Network Operator or Market Participant is unable to rectify within 10 Business Days of the failure, they must notify AEMO and provide AEMO with a rectification plan within 5 Business Days.
Notification for communications and SCADA equipment not on the Equipment List
If the relevant communications and SCADA equipment is not on the Equipment List, notifications relating to planned maintenance and failures should be sent to wa.sm.planning@aemo.com.au. The notification should include:
- A description of the activities being undertaken/failure
- Time/date of commencement of the activities/failure
- Duration of the activities/failure (if known)
- The identification of any Facilities impacted by the activities
- Contact details for further information
Projected Assessment of System Adequacy (ST PASA and MT PASA)
The projected assessment of system adequacy (PASA) is a forecasting study undertaken by AEMO. It contains statistical load forecast information against projected available capacity figures (allowing for quantities of non-scheduled generation capacity based on historical figures).
AEMO publishes two versions of the PASA.
- Short term PASA (ST PASA) is published by AEMO daily across a seven-day horizon in advance forecast.
- Medium term PASA (MT PASA) is published by AEMO weekly across a three-year forecast.
Reports for both versions can be found in the here.
Commissioning Tests
A Participant can conduct a Commissioning Test when commissioning a new Facility or following significant maintenance of a Facility or item of equipment. When submitting a request to AEMO to conduct a Commissioning Test, Participants must include a Commissioning Test Plan. The template for this plan can be accessed in the WEMS MPI Portal.
A Market Participant must submit all Commissioning Test Plans that are under the category of High Impact or Commissioning of a new Facility via the CTP Portal and also via email to system.analysis@westernpower.com.au. For further information, on identifying if the Commissioning Test is considered High Impact refer to the WEM Generator Performance Standards.
Commissioning Test Plans
For Commissioning Test plans submitted after January 2014, refer to our Market Data site.
Please note that Commissioning Test plans occurred before January 2014 can be accessed in the following Archive.
Commissioning Test Plans Archive
January 2014
April 2014
October 2014
January 2013
MUJA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan 07012013 (19.4 MB)
MUJA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan 09012013 (19.4 MB)
MUJA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan 10012013 (19.4 MB)
MUJA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan 11012013 (3.3 MB)
DCWL_DENMARK_WF1_Commissioning Test Plan 15012013 (46 KB)
MWF_Commissioning Test Plan 21012013 (879 KB)
MUJA_G4_Commissioning Test Plan 30012013 (372 KB)
February 2013
DCWL_DENMARK_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 01302013 (104 KB)
MUJA G6 Commissioning Test Plan 01022013 (234 KB)
DCWL_DENMARK_WF1_Commissioning Test Plan 08022013 (136 KB)
March 2013
MUJA_G3_Commissioning Test Plan 09032013 (418 KB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1_Commissioning Test Plan 11032013 (1.7 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 18032013 (1.7 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 25032013 (1.7 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 27032013 (1.7 MB)
April 2013
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 03042013 (1.7 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 05042013 (1.7 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 08042013 (1.7 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 10042013 (1.7 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 11042013 (1.7 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 12042013 (1.7 MB)
May 2013
ABC Commissioning Test Plan ALINTA WGP_U2 01052013 (115 KB)
ABC Commissioning Test Plan ALINTA WGP_GT 01052013 (118 KB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 04052013 (2.2 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 06052013 (2.3 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 08052013 (2.8 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 10052013 (2.7 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 16052013 (2.7 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 20052013 (2.7 MB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 31052013 (338 KB)
June 2013
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 05062013 (551 KB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 20062013 (496 KB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 28062013 (580 KB)
ALINTA_WGP_GT Commissioning Test Plan 20062013 (118 KB)
ALINTA_WGP_U2 Commissioning Test Plan 20062013 (114 KB)
ALINTA_WGP_GT Commissioning Test Plan 24062013 (118 KB)
ALINTA_WGP_U2 Commissioning Test Plan 24062013 (114 KB)
July 2013
ALINTA_WGP_U2 Commissioning Test Plan 03072013 (114 KB)
ALINTA_WGP_GT Commissioning Test Plan 03072013 (118 KB)
ALINTA_WGP_U2 Commissioning Test Plan 12072013 (114 KB)
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 15072013 (768 KB)
August 2013
BW1 BLUEWATERS G2 Commissioning Test Plan 02082013
MWF Mumbida WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 29072013
Alinta PNJ U1 Commissioning Test Plan 12082013
Alinta PNJ U1 Commissioning Test Plan 16082013
KWINANA G6 Commissioning Test Plan 19082013
MWF Mumbida WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 30082013v1
KWINANA G6 Commissioning Test Plan 30082013
MWF MUMBIDA WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 30082013 v1
MWF MUMBIDA WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 30082013 v3
NewGen Neerabup Commissioning Test Plan PSS 30082013
NewGen Neerabup Commissioning Test Plan PSS 31082013
KWINANA G6 Commissioning Test Plan 06092013
KWINANA_G6 Commissioning Test Plan 11092013
September 2013
COLLGAR Commissioning test plan 04092013
NewGen Neerabup Commissioning Test Plan PSS 04092013COLLGAR_Commissioning test plan 09092013
MWF_MUMBIDA_WF1 Commissioning Test Plan 10092013
COLLGAR_Commissioning test plan 13092013
MUJA G5 Commissioning Test Plan 19092013
KWINANA G6 Commissioning Test Plan 19092013
November 2013
Muja G2 VINALCO Commissioning Test Plan 131129
December 2013
July 2012
Commissioning test plans (20.6 MB)
August 2012
Commissioning test plans (36.7 MB)
September 2012
Commissioning test plans (45.1 MB)
October 2012
BW2_Commissioning Test Plan_290912 (50 KB)
BW2_Commissioning Test Plan_091012 (50 KB)
NEWGEN_KWINANA_CCG1_Commissioning Test Plan_221012 (33 KB)
KWINANA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan_231012 (157 KB)
KWINANA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan_261012 (121 KB)
November 2012
BW2_BLUEWATERS_G1_Commissioning Test Plan_02112012 (77 KB)
COCKBURN_CCG1_Commissioning Test Plan_05112012 (66 KB)
MUJA_G4_Commisisoning Test Plan_16112012 (402 KB)
MUJA_G6_Commisisoning Test Plan_04122012 (308 KB)
COCKBURN_CCG1_Commissioning Test Plan_30112012 (186 KB)
COCKBURN_CCG1_Commissioning Test Plan_01122012 (183 KB)
COCKBURN_CCG1_Commissioning Test Plan_01122012 (183 KB)
COCKBURN_CCG1_Commissioning Test Plan_03122012 (183 KB)
December 2012
MUJA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan 11122012 (36.2 MB)
MUJA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan 13122012 (36.2 MB)
MUJA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan 15122012 (4.5 MB)
MUJA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan 16122012 (4.5 MB)
MUJA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan 17122012 (3.7 MB)
MUJA_G4_Commissioning Test Plan 18122012 (404 KB)
MUJA_G6_Commissioning est Plan 23122012 (62.8 MB)
MUJA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan 24122012 (17.1 MB)
Newgen_Kwinana_CCGT_power_station_Commissioning Test Plan 24122012 (82 KB)
MUJA_G6_Commissioning Test Plan 25122012 (17.1 MB)