Metrology for the NEM

AEMO’s Metrology for the National Electricity Market (NEM) is designed for metering provider (MP) categories A and B (MPAs and MPBs), and provides a thorough understanding of how metrology operates in the NEM. The course runs for 2.5 consecutive days in a face-to-face setting.

Course content: 
  • Metering regulatory requirements in the NEM, including parties’ roles and responsibilities under the National Electricity Rules (the Rules) and metrology procedure (Part A).
  • Principles of metering and power measurement, three and four wire metering connections, Blondel’s Theorem and methods for verifying the correctness of an installation, and the basic theory and requirements surrounding each transformer principle (including calculation of losses and transformer equations).
  • Voltage Transformer and Current Transformer’s principles, errors,and their impact on metering installation accuracy, including methods for error reduction, burden and burden power factor, turns ratio, and error compensation.
  • Capabilities of modern energy meters, definition of meter error, accuracy requirements under the Rules, and meter testing (including in-field sample testing under relevant Australian Standards).
  • Requirement for overall error calculation of metering installations under the Rules and metrology procedure, and its application to three and four wire metering installations.
  • Requirements for Metering Asset Management Plans (MAMP) under the Rules and metrology procedure, the criteria for preparing the plan as set out in AEMO’s guidelines, strategy for testing and inspection, centralised audits, and metering installation audits.
Learning outcomes:
  • Attendees of the workshop will gain an understanding of:
  • Their obligations and responsibilities and the relevant regulatory requirements in the NEM.
  • Operational and technical requirements associated with metering provision services.
  • Metering installation metrology and performance management.
  • Testing and compliance.

$900 (plus GST) per person (special price, only for Jan/Feb 2024)

Course dates:
Date Time  Location Status

30 Jan - 1 Feb

Days 1 & 2: 8:30am-5:00pm (AEST)
Day 3: 8:30am-12:30pm (AEST)



19-21 February

Days 1 & 2: 8:30am-5:00pm (AEST)
Day 3: 8:30am-12:30pm (AEST)



Note: please ensure you are available for all course sessions.

How to enrol:
  • Visit the AEMO Learning Academy
  • Click on the catalogue button to view courses
  • Add the education course to the Cart
  • Create an individual log in

You will also be able to access the AEMO eLearning and education catalogues.

For more information, please contact

Attendee feedback:
  • "The course was useful and I would recommend the course to others in our work group."
  • "Good overview and some detailed info for someone new [coming] into this area of work."
  • "I work in the metering asset group and it gives me an insight about how to comply with AEMO's requirements."

For further information, please contact

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