Gas market reports and notices

Declared Wholesale Gas Market Reports

The DWGM Reports are published to inform market participants of events that have had an impact on the gas market under National Gas Rule (NGR) 351.  For more information please contact 

Intervention Reports

AEMO intends to adopt the following approach to reporting on these events, wherever possible from 2018:

  • Investigate and publish a report based on immediately available data within 10 business days of the relevant event.
  • Where not all information necessary to complete the required assessment is available, that report will be flagged as preliminary, with a final report to be published once the additional information is received and analysed.

DWGM Gas Market Notices

Gas Market Notices are issued to notify market participants of events that impact on the market. These include threat to system security notice, notices of unintended scheduling, ancillary payments and AEMO decision making.

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