Fees and charges in Victoria

In Victoria, AEMO has a special role, performing many of the responsibilities carried out in other states by the connecting transmission network service provider (TNSP). AEMO’s Victorian Planning and Connections team receives and assesses enquiries and applications to connect to the transmission network in Victoria (referred to as the Declared Shared Network [DSN] in the National Electricity Law [NEL]) and liaises with the proponent and AEMO (in its advisory role) on the connection application from submission to registration and commissioning of the plant.

This page includes fees and charges and related pricing and revenue methodologies for AEMO’s role in Victoria.

Fees and charges for Victorian transmission use of system

AEMO’s Transmission Use of System (TUOS) charges recover the costs for the provision of shared transmission network services in Victoria, and are calculated in accordance with the National Electricity Rules.

AEMO publishes its TUOS prices for the financial year in accordance with its obligations under chapter 6A of the National Electricity Rules.

Modified load export charges for Victoria

AEMO’s modified load export charges (MLEC) recover the costs associated with the use of Victorian assets considered to support inter-regional flows to neighbouring regions. These charges are calculated in accordance with the National Electricity Rules, and AEMO pricing methodology.

Revenue methodology for Victoria’s Electricity Transmission System

This document establishes how AEMO calculates the amount to be recovered from its Victorian electricity Transmission Use of System (TUOS) charge.

AEMO has updated this document to reflect required rule changes. Attached is the revenue methodology as well as change-marked version.

Pricing methodology for prescribed shared transmission services

AEMO determines Transmission Use of System (TUOS) prices in accordance with Chapter 6A of the National Electricity Rules and its Pricing Methodology. The Pricing Methodology is approved by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).

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